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Between A Rock & A Porn Star Page 8
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JC’s hand enveloped hers and he led her down the hallway to the bedroom. Skye didn’t have to turn around to know Brock was right behind them. His heat emanated from him against her back.
Once they were in the bedroom, JC stopped at the foot of the bed and then turned around. Skye stopped, as she was chest to mid-abs with JC while Brock plastered himself to her back.
JC gripped her chin between his thumb and fingers. He tilted her face up and lowered his lips to hers. They were soft and gentle as they moved seductively against hers. Opening her mouth slightly, she licked at his lips. He followed her lead and swept his tongue across hers, giving her a taste of him, steak, and soda.
Savoring the taste of JC as their tongues danced sensually together, Brock’s hands moved up her back under her shirts. He played with the hooks of her bra, teasing her with his fingertips.
Skye slid her arms around JC’s neck, letting her fingers comb through the silky strands of his dark blond hair at the nape of his neck. She was glad he left it longer for it still gave him the look from his younger days, the look that had all the girls’ wild then, and now.
Feeling the back of her bra open, she mewled. Brock’s hands moved around her torso, pushing the offending piece of lingerie upwards until his fingertips brushed against the sides of her breasts. A thrill rushed through her, hardening her nipples even more.
JC’s hands began to work at her shirts, pulling the tank out of her jeans after he undid the buttons on the big shirt she wore over it. When he was done with that task, he moved his hand down to her waistband. Deftly, he slid the metal button through the hole and pulled the tab of the zipper downwards until it wouldn’t move anymore.
Cool air kissed her belly as she felt her clothing move down her hips. Her panties disappeared also as the material slipped further and further down. When JC reached her ankles, he tapped her right one first. Lifting her leg, she stepped out of the one then the other of the legs of her jeans.
Brock’s lips caressed the side of her throat as Skye continued to kiss JC, their bodies plastered together. At this point, Skye wanted to feel both of their naked bodies against hers, but she didn’t know how to ask for it.
Groans, gasps, and hisses sounded around her, and she knew in her mind that some of those sounds were coming from her.
Quicker than she would have thought, she stood naked between the two men.
Anxiety shot sky high within Skye as she felt two sets of eyes taking her in. Within her mind, she weighed a ton and she imagined blobs of fat popping out all over her body. Heat suffused her face, this time, from mortification.
When neither man said anything, just letting their eyes roam over her body, Skye let panic set in. Pushing against JC, she tried to turn away from them.
“Where are you going, Skye?” Brock asked, his mouth next to her ear.
Skye’s eyes swept up to JC’s and found anger within them. “Answer him, baby girl,” he coaxed. “Why are you so suddenly scared?”
Swallowing hard, she wasn’t sure what to say. They had already told her she wasn’t to refer to herself as fat, but right now, she felt enormous. She knew it was the mind’s eye saw, that’s why girls became anorexic. They saw themselves as being fat but they are just skin and bones.
Why did everything have to be so complicated with the mind?
“There goes the thinking again,” JC said with a smirk. “Oh, she needs a good spanking for thinking too much. Also, for thinking the things she is right now.”
It surprised her that they knew what she was thinking. How could they possibly know?
“We can tell what you’re thinking, Skye, because we know how to read you.” Brock spoke as he pulled her back against his fully clothed body, his arms wrapping around her waist. “You’ve already revealed that you think your weight would be an issue with us. As soon as we stripped you of the armor you call clothing, you became stiff, and your mind wandered. That is such a big tell.”
Brock slowly moved until he sat on the foot of the bed, pulling Skye with him. He lifted her until she sat on his lap, his arms still around her waist. JC sat next to Brock on his left and pulled her legs up to rest across his lap.
When she just stared down at her hands, Brock gently turned her face towards his. “I can read you, just like I could read JC. When he would stop and go into himself, I knew he was thinking about the next bottle of booze, or the next snort of coke. I had to get him out of that state. That’s why I began to work with him with BDSM. It took him out of his mind to concentrate on what he was doing within a scene. As a sub, it’s letting go of thoughts that are destructive to your frame of mind, such as your weight, or in his case, his addiction.
“If you really look at it, you both have self-destructive tendencies that your mind controls. I’ve broken JC out of his, and now we should break you of yours. It’s like any addiction, it’ll always be there in the back of your mind, but we’ll work with you. You won’t be getting rid of us that easy, little one. We’re here to stay.”
Brock gazed into her eyes, his emanating trust and understanding. Moving her gaze over to JC’s, she saw the same thing. They really were telling the truth. However, would she be able to get past her weight like Brock indicated?
Chapter Eight
JC watched Skye intently. Doubt skittered across her face with Brock’s words, but at least she was mulling them over.
His hands skimmed across the skin of her legs, feeling the quivering in her limbs. Brock held her with one arm around her waist while his other hand that had gone to her face now moved slowly down her neck.
“I-I want to try,” she stuttered. “I’m just afraid that you will tire of me because all the other women in your lives are thinner.”
Skye shrieked as Brock flipped her over onto his lap as if she weighed nothing. Her rounded ass rose in the air. Succulent creamy skin trembling in what JC hoped was anticipation, but he knew it was most likely nervousness. He couldn’t wait to sink his teeth into the flesh, but moreover, the expectancy of sliding his dick into her tight ass was overpowering.
Brock’s left arm set lightly across her upper back as his right hand rubbed in circles around her cheeks. Soft moans escaped Skye with the motion.
“You are never to talk about your weight again! Do. You. Understand?” Brock emphasized the last three words with strong slaps to Skye’s derriere.
Struggles from her were held in check by Brock’s strength. When she didn’t answer him after the third strike, he struck again. “Understood?” he demanded.
“Yes!” she cried out. “I understand.”
“Good. Now, I want you to feel each slap of my hand.” He never spoke in anger, his words kind even though he was a tad upset. JC knew Brock wanted to educate her to the joys of submission. And what a good spanking could do to a sub. JC couldn’t wait either.
Smack! Smack! Smack! Three more quick deliveries of Brock’s hand to Skye’s backside had her squealing. However, when the man began rubbed his hand on the area
he had smacked, rubbing in the heat, Skye gyrated her hips as moans arose from her.
“Did that feel good, baby girl?” JC asked as he pushed his hand into her hair. It was still in the braid he had made for her outside the club. He began to undo the elastic band that held it in place even though now it was disheveled. He combed her hair out with his fingers.
He feared she wasn’t happy when she first stalled before answering. His heart soared when a breathy, “Yes,” came from her lips.
JC’s eyes met Brock’s. Smiles spread on both their faces, for Skye had just received her first lesson of punishment and pleasure.
“Did you notice the difference between the two spankings you received?” Brock asked as he continued to rub her ass cheeks.
“Um,” she began. “I think so.”
At least she was honest.
“And what were the differences?” Brock dominated the lesson.
“The first one hurt a lot more, and you didn’t make it feel good
afterwards, like the second one.” Her words were still breathy, but held more confidence than before.
“Good. Do you want more?”
Brock waited for her to answer, his gaze flicking to JC’s. It seemed like forever before she gave her answer.
“Yes. Please.”
“Relax, baby,” JC offered. “Let your mind go, and feel with your body.”
Her head hung low, her hair becoming a curtain on both sides so JC couldn’t see her face. Visibly, her body relaxed although her hand wrapped around JC’s ankle. It pleased him that even though Brock oversaw this particular moment, she felt she needed to have some kind of contact with him.
Several more slaps echoed in the room. Several more moans escaped from Skye while her hand tightened around his leg.
The more Brock spanked her and then rubbed the area, the more Skye moved her body on Brock’s lap. When Brock ceased, she thrust her ass up higher, as if requesting more.
“You did great, sweetheart.” Brock helped Skye up to her feet.
Flushed damp skin glowed on their woman as she stood demurely in front of them, her head bowed submissively. Her hands were folded neatly in front of her pussy, but he gave her the benefit of the doubt that she wasn’t trying to hide it from them, more as if she didn’t know what to do now.
“Look at me, little one,” Brock said, his voice commanding but gently.
Midnight blue eyes looked between the two of them as her blond head rose. He had noticed how dark her eyes became when she was angry or aroused, even in just the few hours they had known her.
“Are you, all right?” Brock asked, reaching forward and taking one of her hands in his. Her hand looked dwarfed in comparison.
JC reached forward and took her other hand.
Now, she stood before them without barriers. She was so beautiful, she looked like a goddess. Her breasts were large, a bit saggy, but JC loved them. Dark blond hair, trimmed close, wrapped her cunt like a present for them. Womanly dew glistened in the light announcing her arousal although the aroma that was strictly hers permeated the air. His mouth watered at the sight of her.
Skye’s head nodded in response to Brock’s question, her shyness still shining through. It was going to take a bit for them to break her of it.
“As we said before, there are rules to the way we live in our lifestyle. They are for your safety as well as ours.” JC loved how attentive Skye was as he spoke. “You will have safe words. You can either choose your own, or we can use the standard, which is red for stop, yellow for slow down, or we need to stop and talk about what is going on, and green for everything is okay. Is that clear?”
Again, she nodded. Brock took over at this point.
“You need to vocalize when we ask a question. There will be situations when we won’t see your head or the movement itself if we are concentrating on another part of your body. We need you to speak loud and clear. Is that understood?”
Her head began to bob but then she looked frightened. “Sorry. Yes, I understand.”
“Good. In the bedroom, at a club, in a scene, or in our dungeon, you will refer to us as Sir or Master. Whichever you prefer. It’s a sign of respect to us.” JC said as he let his thumb rub across the back of her hand. “We know it’ll take some getting used to, so you’ll have a few weeks to get used to it before you’ll be punished for an infraction.”
“Do you have any questions,” Brock asked.
“Um…the clubs? Like where you perform?” she asked JC.
A smile broke his face from her innocence, and he heard a slight snicker from Brock. “No, baby. A BDSM club.”
A perfect O appeared on her lips as her shock was registered.
“So, you have heard of the clubs then?” Brock inquired, pulling her closer to them.
“Yes,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Then, as if she remembered the rules, she quickly added, “Sir.”
JC smiled as did Brock.
“If you come to the studio with me, you will refer to me as Sir or Master there also. I require respect from my woman and my employees.” Brock was a stickler for respect and demanded it of the subs at the studio even if they weren’t filming for him directly. A sub was to stay in that mode while in the studio.
“Yes, Sir.”
“But, tonight, Skye, is all about us getting to know each other. Your body looks delectable. I want to make love to you all night long.” JC was eager to love on the woman he had been craving for months now. The moment was finally here!
He stood, as did Brock. “Lay down on the bed,” JC said, his voice seemingly dropping an octave.
This is it! Finally!
Skye did as she was directed, kneeling on the foot of the bed and then, hopefully, looked somewhat sexy as she prowled her way to the head of the bed. A hiss and a groan sounded from behind her, indicating they had seen her pussy as she moved.
It was a thrill to think that they looked at her, empowering in fact, but it also set her nerves on end. She wanted to be sexy for them but she had no experience with doing such a thing. Mimicking what she had seen in the movies was the best she could do.
Perhaps she needed to purchase some of those adult movies that Brock produced. They may be able to assist her in her new role as sex kitten and submissive. That would be the first thing on her to do list tomorrow. Well, the second. She still needed to complete the interview with JC.
Turning, she laid down, trying not to look awkward. Both men looked at her as if she was dessert. They hadn’t had it, so perhaps she was to be it.
Laying as she would in bed, she held her legs together, crossing one ankle over the other, while settling her hands across her stomach.
Oh, yeah. That’s sexy!
“Spread your legs,” Brock said, removing his vest. He tossed it on the chair in the corner. “We want to see your pussy.”
“Don’t ever cover your body from us.” JC watched her, his tongue slowly licking his lips. “If you continue to do so, we’ll have to tie you up.”
Her stomach flopped within her, as did her heart. She felt her flesh flush with heat, as if she was outside at noon on a hot August summer day in New York.
Their gaze was intense, as if they could see right through her. She had never had a man look at her like that and it made her feel special. It was as if she was their goddess. And perhaps, after the things they told her about her being theirs, she was.
Slowly, she spread her legs to what she was comfortable with, but the look on both their faces told her they weren’t happy with it. Spreading them wider, cool air caressed her moistness. JC looked satisfied as he pulled his t-shirt off over his head by reaching to the back of the collar. She wasn’t sure when his black leather vest had disappeared.
Standing at the end of the bed, her men looked at her as if she was the last woman in the world. Hunger burned in their eyes, and as she let her gaze slide down their bodies, she noticed that their leather pants held something extra in the crotch area. Hard, swollen, magnificent cocks.
With her pussy so wet and her breasts swollen, Skye didn’t know if she could become more aroused. She did. Her pussy throbbed inside and even her puckered star was clenching and unclenching. She needed, no, craved, to have them make love to her.
A whimper sounded in the room and it took her a moment to realize it came from her. JC moved down the side of the bed to Skye’s left. He knelt beside her and took her hand. “Patience, darlin’,” he whispered. “We’ll be lovin’ on you in a moment.”
Movement to her right caught her attention. Brock removed his t-shirt the same way JC had. When he was done with that, he unfastened his pants.
Mesmerized was the best word Skye had to describe how she watched Brock. Both men were handsome as sin, and they claimed to be hers. She was quickly losing her heart to them and she knew if they broke it, she would never love again.
As Brock divested himself of his clothes, she analyzed his body. Besides the muscles that dominated his body
in all the right places as JC’s did, Brock’s chest had a smattering of dark hair across his chest. It followed a thin path down his stomach, past his navel, and then down to his happy trail. As the pants were pushed down, she noticed a trimmed patch above his penis, but his balls were hairless.
JC had opted to shave his entire groin along with his chest and stomach. The two were similar and different at the same time, and she wouldn’t want it any other way.
JC’s hand glided slowly up and down her arm, a bit of distraction from her observations, but not enough to draw her eyes off Brock. Goose bumps rose on her arm as if a draft of air had coated her, but a layer of arousal swept across her.
As her cunt released her juices and her nipples puckered, she realized she hadn’t ever felt like this with the few men she had slept with before. This foreign sensation surprised her. It was as if the men could read her so well, and she hated it.
Since leaving her grandmother’s home at eighteen, she had to make hard decisions that would push herself to succeed. She had closed herself off to people. Had to hold her emotions intact.
Her heart had already been broken by her parents and then her grandmother. Once she was on her own, she swore she would never open herself to anyone.
Now, she was faced with her heart being slowly pried open by the two men. What bothered her the most was that her body betrayed her head and her heart.
Nakedness was in full view now as Brock stood next to her on the right. His cock was a steel rod standing out from his body. A slightly darker hue than the rest of his body was the shaft, bluish-purple veins stood out from under the thin layer of skin, while the mushroomed head was an angry purple. A pearly drop of manly dew had oozed from the slit. As she stared at it, her mouth watered. She wanted to taste him.
JC climbed onto the bed, up and over her leg so that he now looked at her pussy. A dark hunger gleamed in his eyes as he licked his lips. Skye felt heat rise within her as he breathed in deeply, knowing he could smell her arousal.
Looking up, she saw the predatory gaze in Brock’s eyes as he laid on the bed next to her. As if it was a practiced move, both men put their mouths on her.