Between A Rock & A Porn Star Read online

Page 7

  She nodded at his words, but kept her head bowed. Ribbons of anxiety flowed from her. Brock glanced up at JC as he sat on the other side of her.

  Placing his hand on the folded ones in her lap. “Little one, you need to relax. We’re not going to attack you. We’re going to talk. That’s all.”

  “What if I don’t want to talk?” Her surprised response was whispered.

  “If you didn’t want to come with us, little one, you could very well have said so, Skye.” JC looked as if he was turning green. “If you want, I can call you a taxi to get you home.”

  Brock’s heart ached at the thought of Skye leaving. After feeling her and spending even just a few hours with her, he knew he was going to be heartbroken if she walked away from them. There was no one else for him and his friend, and he didn’t think there would ever be.

  Skye’s hand slipped from his as she leaned towards JC. Shock swept over him as he watched her press her hand to the man’s cheek before her lips pressed against his.

  Brock’s cock swelled within a second, becoming uncomfortable in his leather pants as he watched their woman kissing JC. He let his hand rest upon her thigh as she leaned the other way. She was heated through the thick layer of denim.

  JC’s arms wrapped around Skye’s shoulders as he deepened the kiss. Brock could see his mouth open to consume hers. Soft mewls emanated from her as she let herself relax into the kiss.

  Watching these two make out was extremely erotic. Yes, he and JC had shared women in the past, usually at the club, and it was okay. Now, sharing the woman that they had fallen in love with was within their grasp and was the sexiest thing he could imagine. There was no jealousy swirling around inside Brock, just absolute joy.

  Sliding his other hand up Skye’s back, he felt her muscles contract briefly before they relaxed under his touch. He kneaded what he could touch, welcoming the opportunity to do so.

  He thought all was lost when she had said she hadn’t wanted to talk. The thought that she wanted to walk away had filled him with dread.

  Skye pulled her lips from JC, who let out a mournful moan. Turning, she slid a hand up Brock’s chest, the heat from it surprising him. She seemed to be warm all over.

  When her hand reached the collar of his t-shirt, she grasped it in her hand and pulled him towards her. Her eyes fluttered open and she licked her lips as she looked at his.

  Her other hand moved up his arm and then wrapped around the back of Brock’s neck. Pulling him towards her, she met him halfway. Her lips parted partially before they covered his.

  Soft, pliant, and warm were the lips he had dreamed about for months, and now they were kissing him.

  Her hand moved at the nape of his neck, caressing him and holding him to her as she had a death grip on his collar. It was as if she was afraid he would disappear, but she was loving about it.

  Lips sucked on his as he slid his arms around her, one across her shoulder while the other moved around her waist. He held her close, the fear of her leaving too great.

  Opening his mouth, Brock swept his tongue across her teeth requesting her to open further to him. Jubilation occurred when she did.

  Shockwaves shot through him when he brushed across her tongue. Her sharp teeth scraped across his tongue as she opened her mouth wider. Brock swept throughout her mouth, wanting to remember every inch of her in case she got scared and took off.

  However, he wasn’t going to let that happen.

  Moans sounded from Skye as she pressed herself against him while at the same time pulling him closer. Perhaps she was thinking the same thing. Experience the bliss while she could.

  Guilt flashed through him as he realized he hadn’t told her what he did for a living. Would she run away from him?

  Brock knew what people thought of him when they found out he was in the adult film industry. Men were mostly okay with it, asking what it was like to have sex with all those women. They were shocked to find out that Brock was mostly the man directing the flicks or hosting the special dinners that he enjoyed putting on along with the fun that occurred from them.

  Women were different creatures altogether. There were three different types when it came to his line of business.

  The first were those righteous ones who would tell him in no certain terms that what he was doing was wrong. That he would be going to hell for what he was doing and that he was the vilest person in the world, besides politicians.

  Second were the ones who hated him because their husbands or boyfriends watched too much porn. Of course, they didn’t mind that the men in their lives brought in some kink to the bedroom, but then it was easier to complain than it was to compliment.

  The last group were the ones who did everything they could to get him to put them in one of his films. They would track him down at restaurants, the gym, even the grocery stores to throw themselves at him. It got tedious after a while.

  He had to hope that Skye was understanding about his business.

  With regret, he pulled away from the kiss, pulling her hands down to hold in his. Regret and surprise registered in her now wide eyes. They searched his, as if they offered some of explanation.

  “As much as I would like to continue with this, sweetheart,” he said breathily. “We do need to talk about all this first. Then we can get back to the fun stuff, if you want.”

  “Why wouldn’t I want to?” she asked, her voice soft with a tinge of sadness.

  “We need to be open and honest with you. That’s the only way to continue with this.” Brock tried to control the concern in his voice but he knew he hadn’t done a good job for Skye’s eyes went wide with curiosity.

  JC helped turn Skye until she sat forward again. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I need to eat. Let’s order and then get down to business.”

  Skye looked small and helpless between Brock and JC, as if her heart had just been crushed.

  Chapter Seven

  When Brock had told Skye they needed to talk, she knew for certain that this was not going the way she had expected. Trying to leave, both men stopped her, telling her that they needed to talk and they would do that, but after they ate.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as they waited for the food to arrive from room service. She was just waiting for the ball to drop.

  JC disappeared into the bedroom part of the suite for a few minutes before returning. He offered her the use of the bathroom if she needed. Accepting the opportunity, she rushed in there, relieved herself since she had been holding it for a while, and washed her hands. Then, taking a moment for privacy, she texted Jason where she was, just in case. He was to send help if she didn’t text him in two hours.

  Once she was finished, she flushed the toilet and exited the lavish room. The king-size bed in the bedroom was made with white sheets and a striped coverlet. A gold sash ran across the bed near the foot while pillows were placed artfully at the head of the bed, a smaller rectangular pillow with a flourished R printed on it to mark it as the Roosevelt’s.

  The walls were covered in a merlot-colored wallpaper. The room was upscale to the max. She knew what it was like to stay in hotels like this as Dwayne always put his workers up in great hotels. The fact that she was here with two gorgeous men was magnificent, but what was going to happen?

  A knock at the semi-closed door brought her attention back to where she was. Brock stood in the doorway. Sexiness emanated from him as he leaned up against the doorjamb as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Food’s here, sweetheart. Are you, all right?” he asked, a bit of concern lighting his features.

  Skye nodded. She was afraid if she spoke, she would burst into tears. Getting through her food order had been hard enough, and when both men protested that she needed more than just a salad, she became frustrated. “Just get me a steak and baked potato,” she had quipped before brooding on the couch again.

  Brock stepped forward and took her by the hand leading her out into the sitting room without protesting. She was numb a
s she took in the room. JC had pulled the table out from the wall and the food had been set out on it. Being set on one side with the two men on each side of her was a bit intimidating.

  Having anyone watch her eat was something that grated Skye’s nerves. It felt as if they were judging her and, inwardly, laughing at her.

  JC pulled the cover off Skye’s plate with a flourish, and a smile. Brock reached over and placed the linen napkin on her lap. She noticed he had a smile on his face also.

  When JC spoke, she had to keep herself from jumping. “We asked them to put the sour cream and butter on the side, in case you didn’t like them…”

  “But we hope you like them,” Brock continued. “You can be yourself with us. You can eat what you want., when you want”

  “We can get you a trainer if you want, but you don’t have to,” JC said as he poured a glass of soda, setting it at her place setting.

  “You will have all the freedom you need, except in the bedroom, and certain places in the house.” Brock smirked, lust shimmering in his eyes.

  “Or, if we are in a scene.” That was JC.

  Skye felt as if she was going to get whiplash looking at each man as he spoke. It was like watching a tennis match.

  Placing her hands on the edge of the table she scooted her chair back. Before she could stand, both men grabbed a hand.

  “Please, stop!” She hadn’t meant to sound so abrupt but JC and Brock looked at her as if she had shouted at the top of her lungs. Had she?

  Releasing her hands at the same time, they both became contrite, lowering their heads. “Sorry,” they said in unison.

  Releasing a deep sigh, she felt tears prickle in the back of her eyes. She hadn’t meant to hurt their feelings. They had only been trying to be kind to her, even if their motives might end up being hurtful.

  She still had a job to do and shouldn’t alienate either one of them.

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I didn’t mean to be rude, but you were making me dizzy and I’m confused about what you are saying to me.”

  “Eat first, talk afterwards,” Brock said. “We are overwhelming you, and we’re sorry.”

  Skye nodded her understanding although she didn’t.

  Eating was difficult. Anticipation raged through her so she tried to eat quickly. When she pushed her plate away with part of the potato still in its skin and a few bites of the steak left, they both looked at her as if she was a small child. Reminding them that she had eaten some at the club, they became satisfied and let the infraction go.

  While Brock placed the tray of dishes out in the hallway, JC pushed the table back in place along with the chairs. When Skye tried to help, both men escorted her to the couch and sat her down, insisting she didn’t need to.

  Once the tasks the men had taken upon themselves were completed, they each pulled a chair in front of her, leaving the coffee table to the side. JC to the left and Brock to the right.

  Holding onto her hands tightly, she waited.

  “As we’ve already said, we both want you. When JC showed me a video of you in the newsroom, I knew he was right. You’re beautiful, vivacious, and the type of woman we like.” As she began to speak, Brock held up his hand to stop her as he continued. “If you say one more time that you are fat or not beautiful, one of us will take you over our knee and spank you. Understood?”

  She understood what he was saying, but did she believe it? She really wanted to.

  Nodding, she would give them the benefit of the doubt.

  “Also,” Brock hesitated. Uh-oh, he’s married. “You know what JC does for a living, but you don’t know much about me. I own an adult film company.”

  Oh, my! And he’s interested in me?

  Curiosity covered Brock’s face as he spoke. Skye knew he was waiting for her to bolt. As a journalist, she knew to wait through the story; more interesting information could be dropped, so she would give Brock the same courtesy.

  “My videos are BDSM based. I produce, direct, and yes, sometimes perform in the videos. I may play with the subs, but I do not have intercourse with them. That is reserved for my personal partner, which I want to be you.”

  Thoughts sped through Skye’s brain like a Fast and Furious movie. Several questions needed answering. She wasn’t sure if she was going to like them, but she had to ask.

  “I know JC lives in L.A., but what about you, Brock? I mean, my job is here in New York, so how would this work?”

  “Until you decide you want to move things to a permanent relationship, then we can travel here as much as you want. And then when I’m on tour, you’ll still have someone to take care of you.” JC was beaming as he spoke.

  “You act as if you want to take over my life,” she said quietly, still assessing the situation. All this was still overwhelming, but she did want them both.

  When she had kissed JC earlier, it had surprised her. She had never initiated sex, or even a kiss. She had always waited for the man to start everything. Neither man seemed irritated that she had kissed them; in fact, they seemed happy about it.

  “We don’t want to control your life, Skye. We want to make your life unbelievably better. You’ll have two men who’ll worship you, your body, everything about you. We’ll teach you how to love yourself as much as we do. You just have to open your mind and let yourself go, little one,” Brock said, his voice cracking a bit with the last sentence.

  He’s afraid I’m going to say no and walk away.

  “What do you say, darlin’?” JC asked, his body shifting with his anxiety.

  “What you are offering sounds too good to be true. And with both of your careers, I don’t know how it’ll work out. I know how relationships end up in the music business.” Skye wrung her hands together. She wrote reports, so she hoped she could express herself verbally. “I have no idea about how things go in the adult film industry, but, I would like to give it a try.”

  She had made the decision when she kissed them, that if they wanted to try, then so would she. She was thirty-seven years old and had only had two boyfriends. It had been over five years since her last one.

  Yes, her heart might get hurt, but at least it would be a better experience than she had before. This was going to be a short-term relationship, that she was certain. Perhaps she would be able to learn some new things from these two very experienced men.

  “But,” she said as both men started to rise out of their seats, stopping them. “We’ll have to talk about the BDSM thing since I’m not very well versed in that.”

  “We’ll start slow with it, but we’ll teach you what it means to be a submissive.” Brock’s smile was so large she couldn’t help but smile.

  JC took over. “When everything went wrong with my life, Brock took over as a dominant in my life and actually started me out as a sub. I found that it helped quite a bit that I learned how to be a sub before I became a Dom. It gave me the capacity to not only bring myself out of the darkness I had sunk into, but when I became a Dom, I could relate to the sub. Not every Dom learns that way, but I’m glad I did.”

  “Is that something you would like to try out?” Brock asked as his eyes locked with hers.

  A deep breath in and then out helped ground Skye at that moment. She was on information overload but she needed to blurt out her answer before she chickened out. “Yes.”

  Both men sat still, watching her intently. They both smiled but Skye wasn’t sure what to think of their stillness.

  When they both popped up out of their chairs and rushed towards her, she squealed out as they pulled her up into a hug. They held her tightly, as if they were afraid she was going to disappear.

  She was surprised when both men pulled back slightly and looked down on her, sexual hunger shining in their eyes. Swallowing hard, she tried to act nonchalant.

  It wasn’t working.

  Under their scrutiny, she bristled a bit, not knowing what to do.

  Brock wrapped his hand around the back of her head and pulled her to him as he
lowered his head. Her eyes fluttered closed as his lips touched hers. Electricity shot out from their lips and seemed to run like a fuse, first to her nipples and then down to her pussy.

  Her nipples hardened into tight pebbles while her cunt throbbed and oozed. Moans from both her men penetrated her hearing through the sound of blood rushing through her ears.

  Lips nibbled on the back of her neck, JC showing her some attention. He moved around capturing her earlobe between his lips, his breath hot in her ear.

  Hands moved on her. Caressing her breasts, her ass. Heat rose off her as she continued to duel her tongue with Brock’s. They fought for dominance with the kiss, but she wanted him to win. She wanted to know what it felt like to be made love to by two men, to be dominated by them.

  JC’s hand slipped beneath the waistband of her jeans and slid his fingers along the top of the crevice of her ass. She had never had anal sex before, but what the man was doing to her felt fantastic.

  Not realizing she had been moaning so much, Skye was surprised when Brock pulled out of the kiss, leaned his forehead against hers, and then asked, “Are you all right, baby?”

  There was a bit of confusion with his question, but when she moaned as JC’s hand moved further down between her lower cheeks, she knew why Brock was asking.

  “Yes.” Her voice came out as a whisper.

  “Is what JC’s doing feel good?” he asked before kissing her nose, a delicate touch.

  “Yes. It does.” Her lips touched his chin, kissing him lightly before she licked him there. “I want more.”

  “Oh, you’ll have all of us,” Brock said softly, his breath feathery against her lips. “Not all tonight, but you will have all of us, for the rest of your life.”

  Right. Like I’m going to believe that.

  “Stay out of your head, Skye.” His voice came out in a hiss.

  How did he know what I was thinking?

  Brock continued. “You may doubt us now, but we will show you. You’re special to us. Let us show you.”

  Lips left her ear right before JC whispered, “Yes. We’re going to show you how much you mean to us. Come.”